Relocating To Your Dream Home – 10 Things To Do Before Moving

Best Moving Company Melbourne

Moving to another home can be unquestionably energizing, yet in addition very unpleasant on the off chance that you don’t as expected plan ahead of time. Whether migrating across town or the nation over, there are numerous fundamental things you really want to do before the enormous move to guarantee it goes without a hitch and productively. With broad preparation and getting very coordinated, you can keep away from significant migraines, pointless expenses, and being completely wrecked on moving days.

Here are 10 critical tips to help you optimally prepare and make your move into your dream home a success:

Research and Hire a Reputable Moving Company

One of the most important tasks is taking time to thoroughly research, compare, and hire a reputable, highly reviewed moving company. Look for insured, licensed, registered movers like CBDWay Mover with many glowing references and proven experience. Check state databases to verify they are properly licensed and insured. For interstate moves, find a top-rated Interstate Removalist service experienced in long-distance relocations. To move large furniture or appliances, hire professional Furniture Mover Near Me movers capable of handling the job without damage. Well-established companies like Best Moving Company Melbourne have the training, equipment, and resources to safely transport all your belongings in the most efficient way possible.

Take time upfront to get quotes from several recommended moving companies in your area. Ask about their licensing, insurance coverage, pricing structure, experience moving homes like yours, vehicle capacity, and any services offered like packing, unpacking, storage, etc. You want to choose a company that is transparent, reasonably priced, fully insured and provides exceptional customer service. Moving is stressful enough – having a team of reliable, competent movers makes a world of difference.

Purge, Declutter, and Organize Meticulously

Now is the pivotal time to purge, declutter, and get meticulously organized before packing begins. Be brutally honest about what you need and will use in your new home. Go through every single room, closet, cabinet, drawer, storage area, and corner. Sort items decisively into keep, donate/sell, and trash piles. Hold garage sales, and use Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, and OfferUp to sell usable items. Donate unused clothes, furniture, and household goods to charity. Toss expired food, worn-out linens, old paint cans, and anything you can’t justify moving. 

Pare down to just essentials and your most loved items to lighten your load. Getting rid of clutter makes packing and unpacking much easier. Take a detailed inventory of everything you’re keeping and make a master list of which items go in each room of the new house. Measuring furniture dimensions and mapping approximate layouts on floor plans will help optimize fitting it all in. Know what you have and where it will go so you can pack methodically room by room.

Plan Detailed Moving Timeline and Logistics

Make an hour-by-hour schedule mapping out events on moving day from start to finish. Confirm start times with your movers and truck rental company. Create a detailed timeline for movers arriving, order of loading boxes and items from each room, estimated drive time and breaks between houses, sequence of unloading, etc. Mapping it out ahead prevents confusion and costly delays on such a hectic day. Provide copies to all movers, helpers, and drivers so everyone stays in sync.

Make sure your rented moving truck or movers’ fleet vehicles can accommodate all your possessions. Measure furniture and major items to ensure everything fits. Have alternate routes mapped to the new house in case of traffic? Have chargers, batteries, water, and snacks on hand to keep the crew’s energy up. Moving is exhausting work and preparing ample food and breaks helps keep the move smooth.

Secure Special Movers for Fragile Valuables

Research specialized movers and make reservations for fragile, valuable items needing professional handling such as pianos, safes, pool tables, fine art, antiques, etc. Obtain estimates in advance so you can compare costs. Don’t leave your valuables to chance – it’s worth the investment to hire companies specially trained to move fragile, expensive, or sentimental items securely without damage.

Pack and Transport Precious Items Yourself

Do not fully trust movers with your most valuable or irreplaceable items. Transport these yourself or with a close friend or family member you trust. This includes jewellry, cash, important documents, rare collections, heirlooms, etc. Use well-padded containers only if you know the location of them. For extremely valuable items, consider hiring an armored transport service for ultimate protection and security during the move. Or simply drive them yourself for peace of mind if needed.

Transfer Essential Accounts Early  

Contact all your service providers right away to disconnect services at your old address and transfer/start services at your new address. Set the disconnect date for the day you move out and the start date at your new home for your move-in day. Transfer utilities like electricity, water, gas, cable/internet, phone, and trash service. Secure the basics like running water and electricity in advance so move-in days run smoothly! Update billing and service addresses with banks, schools, insurance, etc.

Pack Dedicated Moving Day Essentials Bag

Pack a special “moving day bag” with the essentials you’ll need during the move. This should contain medications, toiletries, change of clothes, phone chargers, non-perishable snacks, and first night supplies for family and pets. Keep this bag with you the entire time in transit – perhaps assign it to the front seat of the moving truck for easy access when needed. Having necessities handy prevents extra stress if items get buried in the truck.

Clean Thoroughly Before Move Out Inspection  

Do an intensive whole home deep clean before your final move-out inspection. Get the house pristine so you get your full security deposit back. Scrub floors, walls, kitchens, bathrooms, windows, appliances, and rental equipment thoroughly. Hire professional cleaners if it’s in your budget. Paint over scuffs, fill small holes in walls and make any final repairs you’re responsible for per your lease.

Remove all personal belongings, unwanted furniture, trash, and debris inside and out. Double-check the attic, basement, garage, and outdoor areas. Leaving the property properly cleaned helps ensure you get your full deposit refunded.

Change All Locks After Moving In

Call a locksmith immediately after getting the keys to change all the locks on your new home. This guarantees no previous owners or tenants will have access, protecting your security. Get new keys made for all residents. Give neighbors your contact information so they can alert you about anything suspicious as you settle in. Upgrade locks and consider installing a home security system for optimal safety and peace of mind.

Strategic Unpacking to Make New Houses Livable 

When unpacking, focus first on essential rooms such as bedrooms and bathrooms so your home is comfortable and functional those first few nights. Next, tackle the kitchen so you can cook meals and eat. Unpack room by room, starting with the most used items first. Try to pace yourself and not do too much decorative unpacking upfront when you’re exhausted. Let the movers handle placing heavy furniture and large boxes. Make unpacking faster and easier by staying organized from the very start.

Relocating your entire household is a massive undertaking requiring extensive planning, physical exertion, and emotional fortitude. Staying disciplined, and organized and hiring reliable movers like CBDWayMover, Furniture Mover Near Me or Best Moving Company Melbourne will help make it go much more smoothly. Follow these key tips, and you’ll settle into your dream home efficiently, affordably, and stress-free!

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